16 January 2010

Dreaming Big and Out Loud

I think people forget to dream big. They overlook it. They take it for granted. They put it off for later.

Or they never tell anyone. They keep their dreams hidden. Guarded and safe. But safe from what? Safe from achieving those dreams? Safe from pursuing your heart's desire? Why?

Over the last couple of days, that idea has been challenged. The idea and notion of dreaming big was not only encouraged, it was necessary. Mandatory. We had to utter those words, whatever they were. We had to feel the fear and do it anyway. And though it was challenging - I started to literally shake and my voice quavered - I stated my dream out loud. We all spoke our dreams. What we are going to be or do someday. What we want in our lives.

Without big dreams, how do we know where we are going? How do we know where we want to go? How do we know when we have succeeded?

I don't think we can.

After stating my big, hairy, audacious dream out loud, it was out there. It started to materialize. And it's first manifestation is this blog.

I love the French lifestyle.  I love the French savoir-faire (literally means knowing how to do). I love French food (hello Salade Lyonnaise and Crepes with Nutella and bananas). I just love it. It brings back amazing memories and having lived amazing experiences.

And who doesn't want to have lived a life FULL of...life?

I want to live a life full of experiences, whether it be food, travel, photography, adventure, conversation, and wherever my dreams may take me, I want it to be full. Fully lived. Full of joy.

Joie de vivre: the joy of living.

Dream big. Dream out loud.

Live your dreams. Find the joy.

Merci a tous,

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1 comment:

  1. I love this post! I couldn't agree with you more:
    dream big. dream out loud.

    best wish to you and your new journey!


J'adore comments! Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing the journey with me.